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Naoki U lit a candle on 09/21/2012:
"Dear Mrs. Ascoli Pauline, Thomas, Zoe and Zachary
There are occasions in life when words become too small and emotions overwhelm everything else. Those are the moments when no gestures and no words of condolences seem adequate. The loss of Mr. Larry Ascoli is one of those situations.
Although after all I had never had the privilege of meeting Mr. Ascoli, through Pauline and Zoe I had got to know a great deal about him and how honorable his life was. I was deeply saddened by your loss and my heart goes out to you all in your time of sorrow. When I pray and chant the Shingon mantras today, I shall pray for his soul to be in eternal peace.
Yours sincerely,
Naoki "
FRANCOISE ASCOLI lit a candle on 09/21/2012:
Naoko Noguchi lit a candle on 09/22/2012:
"Chere Pauline, I was very sorry to hear of your father's passing away.Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Subarashii otosan o shinonde, kokoro kara okuyami moshi agemasu. Naoko, Yoshimichi, Kentaro and Mina"
To light a candle in memory of Larry Ascoli fill out this form:
Marguerite Wolfe lit a candle on September 20th, 2023:
"Chère Ann,
En ce 11e anniversaire, je me souviens. Guy répétait une citation de Bernanos qui l’aidait à vivre ses deuils : "Ce que je puis vous affirmer néanmoins, c'est qu'il n'y a pas un royaume des vivants et un royaume des morts, il n'y a que le royaume de Dieu, vivants ou morts, et nous sommes dedans". Votre mari est maintenant auprès de son Créateur, prions-le, il est notre meilleur allié. Le temps a atténué et adouci la douleur mais jamais nous n’oublierons, la douce paix peut maintenant entrer de toutes parts.
Beinmonyo Collins lit a candle on February 11th, 2017:
"It is always extremely difficult for those of us left behind to understand , but one thing I know, those who depart go to a place we can never even imagine. Raising beautiful children as he did, is life well-lived and worthy enough in itself. I see he was an almost-priest and I pray he finds favor with his creator. "
Ginette Major lit a candle on May 3rd, 2013:
"Nous venons tout juste d'apprendre pour le décès de M. Ascoli. Après quelque recherches, nous avons trouvé ce site et nous vous transmettons nos plus sincères condoléances de Ginette, Michel, Alexandre & Vicky"
kamal amlili lit a candle on November 28th, 2012:
" I found this page on the net,and in my tradition it's faithful to give condolence even if u don't know the deceased person.
As an unknown man,I'm giving my condolence to all your family Mrs Pauline. "
CRUPI Francesca lit a candle on October 2nd, 2012:
"Chers Pauline et Thomas,
Je viens d'apprendre par Anne Co, à mon retour de vacances, le décès de ton papa. Marc se joint à moi pour vous présenter nos sincères condoléances, nos plus chères pensées vous accompagnent. Francesca et Marc "
Didier A lit a candle on September 26th, 2012:
"De tout coeur avec vous pour cette journée difficile bises a tous et toutes mes condoléances à la famille.
Susan Danielak lit a candle on September 25th, 2012:
"Uncle Larry you were a wonderful man so loving and kind. You touched so many lives . We will remember you in our hearts forever.
Rest in peace
Susan,Robert and family"
Pierre B lit a candle on September 25th, 2012:
"My thoughts will be with you and your family as I will pause at 10 am to to be present in spirit at the funeral. I will recite the Lord's Prayer for your dad and reminisce memories of the time I spent with your family and especially of the exchanges I had with your dad. I've always had great respect and appreciation for him.
Bob Shaughnessy lit a candle on September 25th, 2012:
"I remember Larry as a caring and loving individual who always made you feel special. Fathers are those special individuals who were given to us to teach us to look for the good in all things. Larry did this with an open heart and a fierce pride in all you accomplished. We will always hold him dear in our hearts and say hi to him when we see a flower open and treasure his memory. "
Mary Galletti lit a candle on September 25th, 2012:
"Larry you will be greatly missed. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family at this time. You are now in God's hands and you can rest in peace free of pain. God bless you and your family always."
daniel fritsch lit a candle on September 25th, 2012:
"toute ma sympathie .Je serais avec vous en pensée dans ce moment difficile."
Dumard Christian lit a candle on September 24th, 2012:
""Mes sincères condoléances à toi Pauline, à Zoé, Zac et à ta maman Ann ainsi qu'à toute ta famille. Je me souviendrai toujours de la rencontre avec ta mère et ton père dont la gentillesse et la générosité m'avaient beaucoup touché. Je vous souhaite bon courage pour cette épreuve difficile."
Betty et Pierre de Grave lit a candle on September 24th, 2012:
"Nous savons que perdre un être cher est toujours douloureux, mais sachant que nous partageons cette peine, nous espérons que tous ses proches, famille et amis, y trouveront un petit réconfort"
Mary and Phil Delli Colli-Bedard lit a candle on September 24th, 2012:
"To Ann and all the family: We send our deepest sympathies to you in this time of profound sorrow. We will always remember Larry with fondness, and especially his dedication to his students in the school plays.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. "
Sunnary HONG lit a candle on September 23rd, 2012:
"Je suis vraiment desolee d'apprendre cette triste nouvelle ; je suis de tout coeur avec vous en ce moment difficile. Que son ame repose en paix."
Christian Warocquier lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Dear Larry,
I did not have the chance to know you, but I could see your fatherly strength and softness in Pauline's eyes and soul. I wish you all the best for your remaining travel to eternity. Please continue to protect your beloved ones as much as you'll be permitted by the Realm of Angels."
Linda Patterson Brytak lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Uncle Larry touched so very many lives,both in his profession and especially within his family. We were all blessed to have been within the realm of his loving kindness. Now he has broken free from the bonds of this earth and rests in heaven. Forever in our hearts. Linda and Alex"
Fritsch Anne-Corinne lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Mes pensées se tournent vers toi Pauline et toute ta famille.
De si loin mais tellement proche dans mon cœur.
Je vous présente toutes mes condoléances,à ta maman en particulier et à toute ta famille.
Anne-Corinne "
Michèle De Grave lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"J’ai été désolé d’apprendre la mort de mon oncle Larry. Je vous souhaite, à la famille, mes plus sincères condoléances. Larry était un pilier, un rassembleur, généreux et plein de bonté. Sa présence nous manquera tous. Pauline je te félicite pour l’idée du site internet, quelle merveilleuse idée. All my love."
Famille de Guy Axel lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Reçois tout notre soutien et notre affection en ces douloureux moments pour toi et tes proches.
Puisse son Ame reposer en paix."
ANTHONY ASCOLI lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Dear Uncle Larry,I know you are now in a a better place.
And being the oldest of all the Nephews & nieces I remember the past time of your live quite well.From the time you were in Guelph Ontario,the farm and the last time I saw you in N.D.G. And working with you making the family history on video.
Lots of love from:Anthony,Ashley,Alicia & Andreya.
May you rest in peace. "
Sonia and Sadok Remadi-Guellouz lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Our thoughts are with you in these difficult times.
Emna, Selma, Sonia and Sadok
Marc de Grave lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Dear Uncle Larry, my godfather!
When we lose someone we love,
We learn to trust somehow
That a new life in a brighter place
Is just beginning now..
A place of grace and peace and joy
Beyond all time and sorrow,
Where loving hearts who part today
Will meet again tomorrow.
The times together were too few,
And now I look back at the days
In NDG and the times at Ascoli gatherings in Frelighsburg, and regret that we did not have more of these.
To my will be missed."
CLAIRE WILLIAMS, SSA lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Dear Ann and Family,
I offer you my deep sympathy.
I will accompany you in prayer as you mourne for your loving Husband, your Father, and your Friend. May God receive him into his loving arms,
and may he interced for you.
Very sincerely, in Jesus.,
Yuko Nakamaru lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Pauline, we are all deeply shocked to hear of the sudden death of your father.It must be very hard for you. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time of loss. If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know.
May his soul rest in peace.
hugs, Yuko, Yoshiharu and Taiyo"
Naoko Noguchi lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Chere Pauline, I was very sorry to hear of your father's passing away.Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Subarashii otosan o shinonde, kokoro kara okuyami moshi agemasu. Naoko, Yoshimichi, Kentaro and Mina"
Zoe Ascoli lit a candle on September 22nd, 2012:
"Grandpa Dovey,
I will always cherish the memories I have of you, and will try to continue spreading kindness and joy around me as you always did. You will always be in my heart.
Ascoli Pauline lit a candle on September 21st, 2012:
"To me, you were the model of true success: a wonderful father and family man, a dedicated professional and a person who appreciated the simple pleasures of life. Your smile and your spirit remain forever in my heart..."
Ascoli Zachary Lawrence lit a candle on September 21st, 2012:
"I will miss you Grandpa, you made the best hamburgers in the world! I am proud to carry on your name as Zachary Lawrence Ascoli. Love Zachary"
Thomas Ascoli-F lit a candle on September 21st, 2012:
"Ce fut beaucoup trop bref mais j'ai été content de pouvoir faire la connaissance de Larry. Je ferai de mon mieux pour bien m'occuper de ses bien-aimés. Thomas "
Jane Kroesche lit a candle on September 21st, 2012:
"I am honored that I got to meet Larry, and so grateful at how he and Ann generously welcomed me into their home as a friend of Pauline's. My family and I send our warmest wishes to all of you, for many happy memories to console you through your loss. "
FRANCOISE ASCOLI lit a candle on September 21st, 2012:
Francois Costisella lit a candle on September 21st, 2012:
Je suis bien triste d'apprendre cette nouvelle.
Toute la famille, et moi-même, t'envoyons nos condoléances, ainsi qu'à ta maman, ta sœur, tes enfants et toute la famille.
J'ai connu ton papa il y a plusieurs années, et j'ai toujours gardé un excellent souvenir de lui.
Il était toujours de bonne humeur et optimiste, et j'adorais écouter l'histoire de son arrivée au Canada.
André et Jean-Christophe se rappellent très bien notre visite au chalet il y a quelques années, avec ta sœur et sa famille.
Ton papa avait bien discuté avec André, et lui avait même fait des compliments sur son style de plongeon.
C'est toujours difficile de perdre un de ses parents, et j'espère que ta famille et toi passeront cette période difficile avec beaucoup de calme et de paix.
François Costisella"
La Famille V lit a candle on September 21st, 2012:
"C’est une bien triste nouvelle que tu nous annonces. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec toi et ta famille. La disparition d’un parent quelque soit l’âge, reste une perte difficile à surmonter et une peine immense. Au moins n’a-t-il pas souffert. A distance nous ne pouvons que vous souhaiter beaucoup de courage et vous assurer de toute notre sympathie. Transmets à ta maman nos sincères condoléances. Nous pensons bien à vous.
Nous vous embrassons bien affectueusement.
Anne & Philippe"
Naoki U lit a candle on September 21st, 2012:
"Dear Mrs. Ascoli Pauline, Thomas, Zoe and Zachary
There are occasions in life when words become too small and emotions overwhelm everything else. Those are the moments when no gestures and no words of condolences seem adequate. The loss of Mr. Larry Ascoli is one of those situations.
Although after all I had never had the privilege of meeting Mr. Ascoli, through Pauline and Zoe I had got to know a great deal about him and how honorable his life was. I was deeply saddened by your loss and my heart goes out to you all in your time of sorrow. When I pray and chant the Shingon mantras today, I shall pray for his soul to be in eternal peace.
Yours sincerely,
Naoki "